Having made (and broken) the same handful of New Year’s resolutions year after year, for 2014 we decided to turn to others for a slice of inspiration. And, rather than vowing to lose those same 10 lbs and take up Mandarin – again – we also strove to find promises to make to ourselves that might even be rather enjoyable to fulfil along the way. From healthy eating to exercise, beauty tips to fashion advice, we scoured some of our very favourite resources to look for a more inspiring take on self improvement this year. Here’s our list of the tips we’ll be trying to pay heed to this month – and beyond.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Doctor Alejandro Junger’s Winter Detox Recipes and Warming Winter Detox:

When it comes to tips on the more delicious (and glamorous) ways to detox, Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop is a fantastic source of inspiration. Working with Dr Alejandro Junger, her plan for a healthier January provides some much needed help to our diet plans for the next few weeks. Here it is below.

“Winter throws us a few challenges as far as detoxing goes: we are more hungry in cold weather and we need a certain internal temperature to function as mammals, which requires consuming more energy. But when we eat more and keep our bodies in continual digesting mode, we lose energy for other necessary functions and for our immune systems, which make us more vulnerable to getting sick.A winter detox allows us to harness our energy, hit reset on our food intake, and stay healthy and energized. We don’t need to wait for summer to feel and look our best.

Dr. Junger contributed the warm shakes – the rest of the recipes are from the goop kitchen. Adjust the times to your schedule and the meals to your taste. Our winter detox has looser guidelines and restrictions than ones we’ve done in the past, but here is what we’re avoiding: dairy, gluten, shellfish, anything processed (including all soy products), nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplant), condiments, sugar, alcohol, caffeine and soda.”

For the recipes plus more information and tips on how to make the most of your detox, check out http://www.goop.com/journal/make/264/winter-detox-mag

Images from www.goop.com

Refinery 29’s Beauty Resolutions for 2014

In terms of most enjoyable ways to ourselves this month, a revamp of our beauty regime is one great way to up the ante whilst still indulging in plenty of pampering. Taking in everything from exfoliation to eyeshadow, here are Refinery 29’s top tips.

“Between all the mulled wine and mistletoe madness, you’ve probably been thinking over your New Year’s resolutions. Yes, every January, you plan to up your fitness regimen (or, perhaps, begin a fitness regimen), drink less, curse infrequently, and perhaps even be nicer to your mother. It’s all very Bridget Jones. And, lo and behold, by February 1, those resolutions are all but a fleeting memory. We’ve had it with unrealistic resolutions, the kind that inspire our January to March selves to be a veritable genetic mutation of our April to December ones.

But, that said, the biggest room of all is one for improvement, right? To make 2014 the year of your best skin, hair, and makeup, we’ve compiled a list ofbeauty-inspired resolutions. We’re here to help you break free from a beauty rut, quit your bad grooming habits, and try some new things.

From assassinating dead skin cells (we know they’re already dead so you can’t John Wilkes Booth it, but you can still eradicate them from your epidermis) and incorporating gel into your follicular repertoire without channeling your inner Jessie Spano, to dropping pounds (at least virtually) by getting your contour A-game up to par: Here are your beauty resolutions for 2014. Cheers to your prettiest year yet.”

For the list, head to http://www.refinery29.com/beauty-resolutions#slide-1

Image from www.refinery29.com

 Get the Gloss’s 14 ways to Change your life

As a general place to head for help with all things beauty and health, new website Getthegloss.com is one of our latest finds. From workouts to wonder tips with make up, healthy eating inspiration to product reviews, it is jam packed with useful information. Here, they have canvassed their panel of experts consisting of trainers, dermatologists, dieticians and more for their very top tips for 2014.

“Don’t just make mindless resolutions – make a change in your life in 2014 with our 14 tips from our top health and beauty experts. Ayesha Muttucumaru guides you to a great year

A new year often holds the potential for a new start for most, so no matter what fitness and health-related resolutions you make this time around, let our GTG experts encourage and motivate you with some inspirational advice for achieving your goals in 2014.

We asked some of the industry’s most well known beauty, health, fitness and wellbeing experts for the one thing that we can all do to change our lives in the New Year. Whether your aim is to do more exercise, to eat healthier or to make more time to relax and de-stress, let these handy tip-offs show you how and act as your go-to guide for making next year your best one yet.”

For the tips, head to http://www.getthegloss.com/article/14-ways-to-change-your-life-in-2014#sthash.bRnck2Pe.dpuf

Image from www.getthegloss.com

Vogue staffers’ Outfits and New Year’s Resolutions

For excellent inspiration for both outfits and resolutions, Vogue’s survey of some of their staffers provides a happy place to look. Not only are the looks all brilliant, but the resolutions are rather lovely too. Our favorite? A promise by fashion assistant Emma Morrison to eat a daily croissant. Now, there’s a resolution we can all surely get down with.

For the full list of New Year’s resolutions and looks, head here http://www.vogue.com/fashion/most-wanted/vogue-editors-share-their-new-years-eve-plans-and-what-they-will-wear/

Image from www.vogue.com